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The UI is very much under development, so I would not recommend running a machine with it at this stage. However, if you want to give hazzy a spin, I have included several sim configs in the sim.hazzy folder. You should also be able to run almost any of the sim configs included with LinuxCNC.

If you have git installed, the easiest way to try hazzy is to clone the hazzy repository, and place a symbolic link to in your usr/bin directory. If you don't have git, you can download and extract the zip, then continue from Step 2. To clone this repository:

  1. Open a terminal at the destination location and say

    $ git clone

  2. Enter the hazzy folder in the newly cloned hazzy directory

    $ cd hazzy/hazzy

  3. Link the hazzy startup script to your usr/bin directory

    $ sudo ln -sf $(pwd)/hazzy /usr/bin/hazzy

  4. Tell LinuxCNC to use hazzy as the UI. In your machine's INI file set

    [DISPLAY] DISPLAY = hazzy


If you don't want to add a link to usr/bin, you can skip Step 3 and simply enter the full path to the startup script in the INI file.

Ex. DISPLAY = /home/kurt/Desktop/hazzy/hazzy/

This is fine, but keep in mind that you will have to change the DISPLAY entries in all the example configurations before they will run.

Running the Example Configs

Hazzy ships with several example configs. These can be launched by specifying them when starting LCNC from the comand line

$ linuxcnc /path/to/hazzy/sim.hazzy/hazzy_XYZ.ini

Or they can be made available from the LCNC config picker by recursively copying the entire sim.hazzy directory to ~/linuxcnc/configs

$ cp $(pwd)/sim.hazzy $HOME/linuxcnc/configs -r


This repo is updated frequently. To get the latest version, enter the directory were you cloned hazzy and say

$ git pull origin master

If you have any problems, questions or suggestions, however minor, do not hesitate to open an issue, or better yet, a pull request!